If you have any tips, please call the Monterey Park Police Department at (626) 307-1444 or email them at 🙏 When providing information, please include your name and contact information so investigators can return your call or email.


Alison Jillian Chao


Age: 15 years

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Asian

Height: Approximately 5’2”

Weight: Approximately 96 lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Last Seen:

Date: July 16, 2024

Time: 6:23 PM PST

Location: 5161-5147 Via Marisol, Los Angeles, CA 90042 heading towards Via Colina

(626) 307-1444

Monterey Park Police Department Phone Number


Thank you to the community for your unwavering support and assistance in our efforts in finding Alison. THIS would not been possible without your help and effort! We came together as a community for Alison.

07/26/2024 1:59 PM PST - No further updates will be posted here, as our mission was to find Alison.

07/22/2024 20:01 PM PST - Statement from Annie Chao, Mother of Alison Chao (link)

07/22/2024 14:13 PM PST - Statement from Emily Robinson, Attorney for Alison Chao (link)

07/23/2024 11:00 AM PST - ALISON HAS BEEN FOUND!!!!

07/22/2024 6:22 PM PST - Statement from Annie Chao, Alison’s mom on IG

07/22/2024 4:57 PM PST - Updated ‘Missing Child’ flyer with the new MPPD tip line phone number, email address and a better picture of Alison on the bike

07/22/2024 2:07 PM PST - Updated the phone number as per Monterey Police Department request. Monterey Park PD Encourages Community Members to Continue to Support Search Efforts

07/22/2024 2:07 PM PST - Updated the ‘Missing Child’ flyer that you can download above

07/21/2024 6:42 PM PST - URGENT! We need to determine Alison’s next move. Please help us raise awareness in the ORANGE area. If you live there, please review your camera system recordings from 7/16 starting at 6:20 PM as soon as possible and report the sighting using above form.

07/20/2024 10:45 PM PST - Pausing search parties and continuing to go through received information.
Message: We are deeply grateful for the community’s incredible support and assistance in our efforts to find Alison. The volume of information we’ve received has been overwhelming and continues to flow into our inbox.At this time, we are pausing the organization of further search parties until we can thoroughly review and organize all the information. This will allow us to make informed decisions on the next steps. We will and have been providing all the information we received to the police to aid in their efforts.

Rest assured, we are diligently reviewing every inquiry that comes in and will keep you updated as soon as we have more plans in place. Thank you for your continued vigilance and support. ❤️

07/20/2024 6:41 PM PST - Multiple sightings of Alison have been reported, leading us to a new search area defined here. Make sure we plaster this area with posters everywhere, especially at the important intersections. Obtaining camera footage from around these intersections is crucial. Thank you all so much for your effort, time, and dedication to bringing Alison home.

07/20/2024 5:12 PM PST - Alison’s sighting on 7/16 at 5:50 PM heading Westbound on Main Street in front of Goudy Honda

07/20/2024 4:54 PM PST - Alison’s sighting on 7/16 at 5:50 PM heading Westbound on Main Street - New search area defined

07/20/2024 3:25 PM PST - Alison’s sighting on 7/16 5:47 near Main Street on S 6th Street. She is continuing Northbound on S 6th Street. There will is search party meeting at Alhambra Court House (150 W Commonwealth Ave) @ 4:30pm.

07/20/2024 10:56 AM PST - Another Alison’s sighting near S 6th Steet, Alhambra, Ca 91801 on 7/16 5:44 PM has been confirmed which confirms she was heading in the North direction

7/20/2024 9:30 AM PST - Confirmed Alison's sighting near 320 S 6th Steet, Alhambra, Ca 91801 on 7/16 5:44 PM - New search area defined

7/20/2024 9:30 AM PST - City of Monterey Park New Release